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Oak Tree Capital Reserve Fund
Acorn Endowment Fund
Ways to Give
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Nearly three years ago, the Session of Massanutten Presbyterian Church invited our participation in a campaign whose goal was to untether our ministry budget from our mortgage debt. When considering our part in helping to eliminate the mortgage, we were invited to pray, “God, what do you want to do through me?”
God answered that prayer. As of March 20, 2024, our mortgage is paid off. To God be the glory!
Now, how does God want to work through us as we seek to continue growing our ministry at MPC? How can we be even better stewards of our financial health so that our ministry continues to grow today and into God’s future? Members of our Debt Elimination Campaign Team planted the seed of an idea that could help us answer those questions. That seed took root after diligent research and planning. Today, we are excited to launch our Legacy Funds and invite you to be open to the ways God can work through you to make them grow.
Like oak trees that produce acorns,
which in turn develop into stately oaks,
gifts to the Legacy Funds will generate
a dependable source of income throughout perpetuity.
Annual distribution from the Acorn Endowment Fund
will support creative, meaningful ministries
while monies from the Oak Tree Capital Reserve Fund
will provide financial resources to maintain
the physical church structure.
Oak Tree Capital Reserve Fund

The aim of this pass-through account is to provide the necessary financial means to keep and maintain the physical church facility and grounds through replacements, upgrades, and renovations on an as needed basis. The use of these monies is left to the discretion of the Session whenever the requirement for significant capital expense which is beyond the scope of the general church budget presents itself.
Install new HVAC system
Refurbish kitchen
Renovate a space
Repair Roof
All monies donated, plus all their earnings, may be used when needed. Anticipating the need for major maintenance and replacements through 2030, $250,000 is the immediate short-term goal.

Acorn Endowment Fund

This endowment fund offers the opportunity for those who support MPC’s ministry to share their financial blessings with the assurance that their gifts will maintain long-term viability, reaching far into the future. The annual distribution of investment earnings is intended to be used for purposes extending beyond the capacity of the regularly programmed annual budget. This fund is not meant to replace our stewardship pledging and gifts.
Enhance preschool experience
Engage with Habitat for Humanity
Energize small study groups
Envision new horizons
Distributions of this fund are in amounts equal to investment earnings, less minimal administrative fees. Funds are to be withdrawn annually and made available for use.

Ways to Give
Massanutten’s Acorn Endowment Fund supports meaningful outreach and service in today’s world, and the Oak Tree Capital Reserve Fund assures our building’s physical well-being now and in the future.
Here are some ways you can financially support these valuable programs:
- Giving now through regular offerings and annual donations
- Assigning “Required Minimum Distributions” (RMDs) from an IRA
- Planned giving from your estate or trust
- Direct transfer of securities and real estate
- Lifetime Gifts – such as a charitable remainder trust
- Life Estate Agreements
- Designating MPC as a beneficiary of your life insurance
- Donating valuable items such as jewelry, art, collections
Contact MPC’s treasurer or pastors for details, and, as always, speak to your own legal consultant and tax representative about these matters.
More Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Legacy Giving Resolution – Adopted March 19, 2023 (PDF)