Children and Youth Programs
Children and Youth Programs start September 15, 2024 and conclude May 18, 2025.
You may get in touch with Hannah Altman with any questions.
We ask each family to please complete the participation and permissions form at the beginning of each program year.

Faith Village (Children’s Sunday School)
Age: K-5th
When: Sundays 9:30-10:20 am, downstairs “Marketplace” room
About: Stories of the Bible are creatively explored through art, crafts, drama, storytelling, cooking, science, music, video, games, and more! There is an overarching theme each year. Contact Jennifer Coffelt with questions.
This year’s theme is: God’s Calling

High School Breakfast
Age: 9th-12th
When: Sundays 9:30-10:20am, downstairs HS Youth Room
About: A time for our high school youth to hang out together before worship with some delicious breakfast food/snacks and casual conversation about faith and anything else. Guided by Sarah and Ross French.

Parent Fellowship
When: Sundays 9:30-10:20 am, downstairs MS Youth Room
About: Happens during Faith Village and High School Breakfast! After Parents drop off their children or youth, they are invited to relax and have fellowship with other parents with coffee and tea in their own space.

Godly Play
Age: PreK-2nd
When: Sundays 10:45-11:15 am during worship, downstairs Godly Play room
About: After the “Time With Children,” children are invited to attend Godly Play where they will learn stories of the Bible through imaginative story telling and wonder using wooden figures and felt underlays.

Youth Group
Age: 6th-8th and 9th-12th
When: Sundays 6:00-8:00pm, Fellowship Hall (and various locations)
About: Youth have meaningful fellowship with one another through fun and games, a shared meal, faith discussions and lessons, mission and service opportunities, and other special events and activities. Each youth group meeting starts with dinner. Middle and High School youth will normally participate in games and recreation together then split up into their different age groups for faith discussions. This year we will primarily use the Follow Me curriculum. Contact Sarah Rimer with questions about MS Youth Group. Contact Gus Scheidt with questions about HS Youth Group.
Meal Sign-Ups

Fun With Handbells
Age: 6th-12th
When: Sundays 5:00pm, upstairs bell room
About: There’s nothing quite like learning how to make music together with handbells! Come learn and have fun with ringing. Ringers of different levels are welcome. There will be opportunities to ring in Worship.
Fun With Handbells meets the same dates as Youth Group.
Get in touch with Carol Lown with interest and questions.
Adult Programs and Small Groups
Adult Programs and Small Groups start September 15, 2024 and conclude May 18, 2025. Opportunities for small group gatherings happen throughout the year.
You may get in contact with Pastor Keith Phillips with any questions.

Covenant Class (Adult Sunday School)
When: Sundays 9:00-10:00am, room 117
About: Similar to a traditional Sunday School model, a biblical concept, book, or person will be explored. A pastor or group member will lead each series using helpful study materials. The class is studying the book Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms, by Elizabeth F. Caldwell.

Faithful Conversations (Adult Sunday School)
When: Sundays 9:00-10:00am, room 119
About: This group meets for fellowship, prayer, and discussion centered on the intersections of faith, scripture, and current events. Class members take turns facilitating discussions, and we spend time each week sharing prayer requests and our week’s highlights. The class is studying the book Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms, by Elizabeth F. Caldwell.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
When: Wednesdays at 7:30am in the Fellowship Hall
About: This gathering includes a time of devotion, fellowship, and prayer for participants, the congregation, and the world around us. The group also sends regular cards offering prayers and support for folks who are sick, grieving, giving care, or celebrating birthdays or anniversaries. All men are welcome to bring a cup of coffee and join any week.

Presbyterian Women
When: Each Circle meets monthly for fellowship, mission and Bible Study.
About: To learn more about specific circles and their meeting schedule, contact Jean Gearing.